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TMTD (Teach Me to Dance)

Updated: Feb 10, 2023

[In case you haven’t checked out the ‘so much more’ to be found in the menu of my blog site: Perils & Pearls - , I have a page just for sharing my passion for music. I invite you to take a peek, sample a tune and then get into your Spotify app and enjoy the full versions. And keep coming back to this page because I change the music whenever I’m (or my feet) are moved!]

Although I’m aware it isn’t true for everyone, music has always been an easy channel for me to connect with God. I can find others’ words put to music that speak my mind and heart in that moment, and through that medium, bring everything to Him, to His throne room – whatever my disposition or need.

I feel heard and unburdened through my singing prayers, whether I am crying out for help/to be rescued, or bubbling over with gratitude for all He is and brings into my life, or lifting up someone else in my sphere – pleading their case or worshipping as them (which is quite different from worshipping for or with them…but that’s another blog post...). And there are many times God speaks back to me through the music as well. He uses everything – whatever means needed to get His messages to us, doesn’t He? He never tires in His pursuit of our hearts!

I just posted a song about which I’d like to share more with you. The song is Teach Me to Dance by Jervis Campbell. He is a current singer-songwriter in the Christian genre. It is not a new song- it came out in 2018- but its message has repeatedly spoken for me, especially during times of confusion or turmoil in my journey. (Spotify identified that song as my #1 most-played track of that year!)

It’s about choosing to stay the course – and trust God - even when it seems dark or unknown, or when you are just worn out by the battles you’re fighting. And it speaks about a rhythm, a dance, where you are allowing God to lead, to set the pace, and as you follow His lead you experience His peace.

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” [Matt.11:28-30]

May I share one more connection for me with this particular song? I am a skate-skier (Wow, did I actually call myself that?), who didn’t take up the sport until I was fifty-five (– yeah, that’s right, 55)! And although I have been athletic my whole life, participating in multiple sports per season, skate-skiing was (and is) the hardest thing I ever took on!

I’m sure there are a lot of future blog posts held inside my nine years of trying to tip the scales towards having more fun than pain; but in this moment, I just want to share one nugget.

Each ski season I try to narrow the dozens of things I do incorrectly in my skating and poling motions down to a few key phrases to focus on. My husband taught me to call this type of shorthand ‘swing keys’ (as used in the sport of golf).

Would you be surprised to hear that every year, after I have formed my swing keys and started to execute them, the Lord starts talking to me about the deeper meaning – the message He has for me, held inside those three-to-five-word phrases?! Ha- I love His clever ways of tucking in a teaching!

Well, this ski season, I can happily say my swing key brought me more joy than instruction:

“Don’t be afraid to dance”! Ahh…. I finally feel stable enough with my balance and weight shift between my right and left ski/foot that I can actually feel a kind of dancing wanting to happen as I skate on the snow tracks. But, at first, I fought this feeling; it felt de-stabilizing, risky even. I didn’t want to fall!

Now you may have already put this altogether, but let me bring this full circle: The opening of this ski season matched the launch of my Perils & Pearls passion project! Can you see it with me?

As I took steps towards bringing life to the vision in my head and heart, I heard fear saying: “Oh, don’t start dancing around with these ideas about broadcast coaching! Nobody is going to get it… What is Perils & Pearls anyway?! It’s too risky; you will surely fall!”

And then a louder voice in me said; “Don’t be afraid to dance, My Beloved! Just follow My lead.”

Teach Me to Dance

There's a storm deep inside me raging with thunder And I know I can't hide it for the tempest it comes I can feel it all, the weight of my burdens I know that I can't do this alone

There's a road set before me, oh, I can see it Don't know where it's going but Lord, I'm afraid And I have heard the sound, oh, the sound of revival I just want to walk here in Your ways

I want it straight in the heart, feed me Your fire And I know it's so hard but out of darkness I'll choose 'Cause You are my everything, I want to meet my Maker Oh, teach me to dance so I can dance with You Teach me to dance so I can dance with You

And these chains that bound me, break them in glory And don't let me hide it for Your kingdom it comes Oh, the water runs deep, a living testimony I know You remain even when I fade 'Cause I know You remain even when I fade

I want it straight in the heart, feed me Your fire And I know it's so hard but out of darkness I'll choose 'Cause You are my everything, I want to meet my Maker Oh, teach me to dance so I can dance with You Teach me to dance so I can dance with You

My prayer over you:

Oh Lord, You see the worn-out in us – our hearts, our souls, even our bodies, carrying the fatigue of the battle. And each person reading this has unique battles with which she or he are contending. And not only are You intimately acquainted with every one of their fights, but You. Are. There. In it. With each one. Help us to find where You are in the midst of our chaos, for we know that keeping our eyes on You is where our hope lies.

I pray Matt 11-28-30 over each person reading – that each would hear and respond to Your personal invitation to bring their tired, burned-out, worn-out self to you. That You would whisk them away from their battle fields to be refreshed and restored by You. That You would show them what real r & r is.

That they would accept Your offer to teach and model a restful rhythm in which to flow and thrive as they walk with You. Reaffirm to each heart that Your plan for their life will fit how You made them; and because of that fit, they will be able to live freely and lightly. Oh how You desire to dance with each of us!


Might you consider?...

Can you name the things that can move or keep you out of the unforced rhythms of His grace? What moves you (back) into His rhythm?

*Feel free to write me with your thoughts and questions on that.

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Blessed to play a part~


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